Remembrances, Namesakes Redux

It’s been almost four years since posting. Life has gone on and we joyously welcomed a fourth grandson last year. I still think of mom every day. Hard to believe she would have turned 96 this year!

There are constant reminders of her and there always will be — be it some of her furniture and clothing that I have kept — and continue to use and wear.

But the most loving and beautiful reminder is the March birth of our first granddaughter and mom’s namesake, Lucy.

Mom’s presence and namesake now live on in two of our five grandchildren, generating wonderful and sweet memories of a woman so loved.



Happy Birthday to our 32-year-old baby!

A decorated birthday cake

Image via Wikipedia

Thirty-two years ago, on a Friday at 4:48 p.m. (mothers remember these things), M. and I experienced the all-encompassing excitement and awe of becoming parents for the first time with the birth of our son. So, happy, happy birthday and much love to our #1 son, J. You have made us so proud!